#TRAVEL HACK – 8 Simple Things To Do Before Your Next International Trip 🌍

do before you leave for an international trip

Hooray! Your flight is booked. You found some amazing free walking tours, bookmarked waaaaay too many fantabulous restaurants to try and started packing. You’re excited and can’t wait to go! But there’s a few more things you ought to do before you head out the door to make sure your international trip is more enjoyable, […]

#TRAVEL HACK: 4 Apps That Are Apps-olutely Awesome!

Updated March 2022. It’s a mystery to me how we ever traveled (or dealt with life!) without smartphones and apps.  I remember using MapQuest printouts to try to navigate around cities and find my hotel, and I guess if I think hard enough I’d recall paper maps, handwritten directions and road atlases. And how did we […]