Yay! Finally – a blog. But what the heck is DRD4-7R?

After much trepidation, procrastination and hesitation, I have created a blog.  I am flattered and honored that anyone, except maybe my kids, would want to ‘follow’ me as I travel the globe.  But due to popular demand, here is my blog.  I sincerely hope you enjoy it, learn something new or fun, and share it with friends and family. Make sure to sign up to receive the latest posts via email as they are published!

So DRD4-7R.  WTF?  You may be asking yourself, “Cindy, why is this the name of your blog?” I first heard about this concept about 6 months ago…here’s the premise: this is the name of the ‘restless’ gene, or the ‘wanderlust’ gene.  Theoretically, those that possess this gene tend to have increased curiosity and restlessness and a driving need to explore, push limits, and discover new things and places.  They are more likely to take risks – try new foods, new relationships and embrace ‘movement, change and adventure’ and in general, push the envelope.  And, according to research, this gene is only possessed by 20% of the population. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Now, I’m no scientist, (as those of you who know me know!) and I’m sure this theory could be ripped to shreds by someone with the genealogical smarts to do so, but I am a bit of a romantic and I’m gonna embrace this theory and claim that I do have and may suffer from the effects of DRD4-7R.

Now – ‘flashpacker’.  What’s that??  Basically, a flashpacker is a backpacker that travels the world with a bit more money and comfort in mind than a traditional/college-aged backpacker.  This means having a bigger budget than a younger backpacker, and choosing travel that is geared more toward convenience – example: taking a $49 1-hour flight to arrive at the next destination rather than an $8 twelve-hour bus ride to arrive at the same hostel.

Hopefully, this explanation lets you know why I chose the blog title and has accomplished my goal of sharing a new idea, thought, or concept about travel with anyone reading this.

Creating this blog –  although touted online as “Simple! Create your own blog in less than 20 minutes” – has been tricky to set up and get running so please bear with me as I figure out how to best use this tool.


One Reply to “Yay! Finally – a blog. But what the heck is DRD4-7R?”

  1. Molly Bachrodt says: Reply

    Testing this again. I was able to login on my computer, but not my phone…

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